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Modiphius Entertainment Expands Fallout Universe with New Releases for February 2025

Modiphius Entertainment has announced a new wave of releases for the Fallout franchise, enhancing gameplay for fans of Fallout: Wasteland Warfare and Fallout: Factions. This month’s offerings include new creatures and expanded gameplay options.

New Creatures Introduced

The February lineup features two notable additions:

  • Megasloth: A calm creature that inhabits the forests of West Virginia, the Megasloth becomes a fierce opponent when threatened.
  • Snallygaster: This creature, the first stable mutation from the FEV (Forced Evolutionary Virus), is known for its multiple eyes, teeth, and limbs, presenting a significant challenge to players.

To accompany these creatures, Modiphius offers a FREE Wasteland Wildlife Rules Packet. This downloadable PDF includes rules for both creatures, new Weapon and Item Cards, a Regional Rules Table, and a scenario titled Creature Feature, where players act as Cryptid Hunters.

Print on Demand Service

Modiphius has partnered with Forgefire to introduce a Print on Demand service. This allows players to order professionally printed Wave 10 card packs, ensuring easy access to the latest game components.

Upcoming Releases

Several products are set to launch in the coming months:

  1. Fallout: Factions Core Rulebook: This book will expand on the Battle for Nuka-World Starter Set, featuring rules for Super Mutants, Survivors, Brotherhood of Steel, and Raiders. Preorders will open later this month.
  2. Sheepsquatch: Scheduled for a March 2025 release, this cryptid, known for its size and poisoned quills, has roots in Appalachian folklore.
  3. Pylon Ambush Scenic Set: This set includes the Assaultron Imposter Sheepsquatch, two resin bases, and a new Scenic Base, providing customization options for players.

For more details, visit the original announcement on Tabletop Gaming News.