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Key Events in Pokemon Go for March 2025 Unveiled

A new season in Pokemon Go kicks off this March, introducing a variety of events for players. The Might and Mastery season features the legendary Pokemon Kubfu as part of a season-long Special Research story starting March 5.

Two Community Days are scheduled this month, along with a Dynamax Raikou Max Battle Weekend and a Mega Absol Raid Day. Additional events include the Bug Out and Festival of Colors, promising numerous activities for trainers.

March Raid Schedule

The raid rotations refresh on March 4, featuring legendary birds Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres in the first half of the month. Following them will be Tapu Koko and Heatran later on. Mega Raids will include Mega Lucario, Mega Swampert, and Mega Pinsir, with Shadow Regice appearing in special Shadow Raids each weekend.

Spotlight Hours

Weekly Spotlight Hours return every Tuesday from 6-7 PM local time, featuring specific Pokemon along with bonuses:

  • March 4: Makuhita – 2x transfer candy
  • March 11: Roselia – 2x evolution XP
  • March 18: Shellder – 2x catch Stardust
  • March 25: Cutiefly – 2x catch XP

Community Days

The first Community Day on March 8 will highlight Fuecoco, with increased spawns and shiny chances from 2-5 PM local time. Evolving Fuecoco into Skeledirge by March 15 will grant it the special Charged Attack Blast Burn.

The second Community Day will focus on Totodile on March 22, offering similar bonuses and opportunities to encounter shinies.

Special Events

The Powerful Potential event runs from March 5-10, marking the introduction of Kubfu. Players can also catch a shiny Charcadet during this period.

From March 13-17, the Festival of Colors returns, while the Dynamax Raikou Max Battle Weekend takes place on March 15-16, allowing players to battle this legendary Pokemon.

March will conclude with a Fuzzy Buddy Research Day on March 29, with further details to be announced.

For the complete list of events and details, visit the source.