An alleged job scam, masquerading as an opportunity with OpenAI, has reportedly targeted international workers through Telegram, specifically in Bangladesh. The scam, led by an individual known as „Aiden,“ lured victims into investing cryptocurrency in a fake job platform called „OpenAi-etc.“
Victims were promised returns for completing simple online tasks after creating accounts through a ChatGPT-branded application. Over time, many were encouraged to invest more money and recruit others, leading to a network of over 150 individuals. By the time the scheme collapsed, the total investment reached approximately $50,000.
On August 29, 2024, participants discovered the website and all associated personnel had vanished. Reports indicate that the scam exploited the name recognition of OpenAI to gain trust among low-wage workers seeking employment.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has received multiple complaints regarding OpenAi-etc, with allegations suggesting that over 6,000 individuals in Bangladesh may have been affected. The complaints highlight a troubling pattern of scams targeting vulnerable populations, often using recognizable brands to lower suspicion.
Despite the FTC’s investigation into the matter, details remain scarce. Authorities have yet to disclose specific actions taken to prevent similar scams or assist international victims. The fraudulent platform, which has since been taken offline, was reportedly hosted by a web service based in China.
Experts warn that these types of scams often rely on social engineering tactics, manipulating individuals‘ trust and ambitions. The situation highlights an ongoing issue, as many Bangladeshi citizens face challenges in securing legitimate job opportunities, making them prime targets for fraud.
For more information, visit the original article on Wired.